NaNoWriMo (and over the last couple of years, Camp NaNoWriMo) is a big thing for me. But this year, things got off to a slowish start, mostly because my conscious awareness of the whole “Camp NaNoWriMo’s First Session = April” was entirely absent until this morning.
*shrugs* Happens sometimes.
So, there I am, forgetting completely about it, and reading blogs about Autism Awareness Month and all that… and what should pop into my inbox but a note about Saturday’s Marathon Writing Session.
*tagAught blinks at email, and goes, “Huh. It’s Camp NaNo already?” pauses “Gah! April’s already one week gone! Write! Need to write! What to write?!”*
Yeah. So.
Having read A Diary of a Mom‘s comments about how she finds April difficult (understandably enough!) because of all the grinding Autism Awareness stuff going on, and how all of us are expected to spend the entire month pushing it, and Autistic Hoya‘s post (on a different blog, but it’s got a link at the top of the Autistic Hoya blog) on the lack of everyday, believable autistic protagonists in fiction, made me remember It Came From the Library, the novel I was working on for Camp NaNoWriMo last April, and the fact that one of my protagonists in that novel is autistic, and partially non-verbal.
I’ve always meant to make sure that It Came From the Library gets finished and published, at least at some point – I made just over 17K words last April – but I hadn’t managed to get much done on it over the last year (though I did do a bit!). So… I figured, why not save April for working specifically on ICFtL until it’s finished, and doing a bit extra on my part for Autism Acceptance that way?
So, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve got my current word count goal set at the default of 50K words, though I may lower it throughout the month, since I’m starting so late… but I’m going to do my best to get this worked on, and move towards the finish line, throughout the month.
Wish me luck! And feel free to check out the updates over at my Other Blog, if you’re interested.
😉 tagAught