
So. Here is the preliminary video of the autistic advocates’ panel at the CASDA 2018 Summit. This is not the official video, which CASDA is working on getting professionally edited; this is basically the raw footage with a few edits (title and removing the final remarks of the day) by me. Once the official video goes up, I will remove mine and put a link on this post to the new one.

CONTENT WARNING: The video is just over an hour long, and as I state up front, there are some very difficult and painful things to hear (including mentions of suicide and filicide).

Comments are welcome.

😐 tagÂûght

2 thoughts on “#CASDASummit2018: The Unspoken Price of Advocacy Video

  1. Corey Walker

    Hey Trudy: I finally got around to checking out your blog. It only took me two and a half years. Anyway, thanks for posting the video; I hope you don’t mind that I shared it to my personal Facebook page.

    1. tagÂûght

      Hey, Corey!

      Of course I don’t mind; part of the reason for this blog is so that people can read it and learn. 🙂



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