Update: Life and #AutismPresentation (Help?)

So, it’s been a while since my last update. Not as long as some intervals, but definitely a while. In that while, a lot of things have happened.

My middle sister got married (yay!). (It was lovely, small ceremony.) I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis (answers, at last, to the pain and inflammation!). I joined the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre of Applied Health Research Autism Research Exchange Group (as well as two other Research Exchange Groups). I applied for and became a member of the Newfoundland and Labrador Autism Action Council (which will be working on the provincial Autism Action Plan – let’s hope it has better final results than CAPP did!).

Today’s post is about a presentation that I’m doing on Thursday to the Autism Research Exchange Group, on sensory issues.

So, when I joined the Autism Research Exchange Group, I happened to mention to the organizer that I am involved in autism advocacy, and have friends who are also involved in that. She was interested in possibly getting some of us in to do presentations to the group. My response: “I’d love to do that!”

So we decided on a topic (sensory issues), and a date and time. (Ironically, the presentation starts half an hour after the first meeting of the Autism Action Council ends.) I’m quite looking forward to it. And if anyone (in NL) is interested in attending, whether in person or through teleconferencing, the information is at the bottom of this post.

The title of my talk is: Autism and Sensory Processing: An Overview from Lived Experience, and I’ll be talking about the basics of sensory issues, including bits about alexithymia, stimming, and harmful stimming. Once the talk is done, I’ll be putting up a PDF copy of the slideshow on this blog so that people can have access to it.

And now we come to the help request mentioned in the subject, which will hopefully be answered by Tuesday night…. Does anyone reading this post have hyper-sensitive vestibular or proprioceptive senses? I’ve got stuff about hypo-sensitivity for both sensory systems, but I’m not hyper-sensitive to either of them, and I don’t know of anyone who is (who I’ve talked to about the matter, at least!), so I need a bit of help coming up with details of what it’s like! I’ll also be asking on Twitter (will have done so under the #AskingAutistics tag by the time this is posted), because I want to have the best possible information to give people!




Thursday, October 4, 2018 | 12:30pm – 2:00pm NST

NLCAHR Boardroom, 95 Bonaventure Avenue, Suite 300
Webinar/Teleconference Available—see details below
Tea and Coffee served—feel free to bring a lunch
RSVP: Rochelle.baker@med.mun.ca

Autism and Sensory Processing – An Overview From Lived Experience

Trudy Goold will share her lived experience of, and her personal research into, sensory processing issues in autism and what effects these can have, including providing the group with an overview of human sensory systems and self-stimulatory behaviour, (also known as “stimming”) which  is the repetition of physical movements, sounds, or words, or the repetitive movement of objects, that is often prevalent in people with autism spectrum disorders.  Trudy will also talk about self-harm stimming, along with some possible methods for helping change these behaviours, and how hyper and hypo sensitivities can help or hinder.

Trudy Goold was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2012, when she was 35. Shortly afterwards, she set up an autism blog, to help pay forward some of the help she got in learning things about autism from the blogs of other autistic adults. In 2015, Trudy joined the Autism Advisory Group for Autism Canada, and through them, she became the Newfoundland and Labrador advocate representative to the Canadian Autism Partnership Project in 2016. Since then, she has joined the board of the Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador( November 2017) in the advocate’s position. Trudy is also a science-fiction/fantasy writer who is owned by one cat at present.

How to Join from your Home or Office:

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To join the teleconference, use your phone to:

  • Dial 1-888-579-9842
  • At the prompt, enter the following Participant Code: 24 56 79 67 #
  • Press*1 to mute/unmute your phone

Once you have successfully joined the audio-conference, you can join the video component of the meeting.  For the video component, you will need the following:

  • A computer with internet access.
  • If you have Skype on your computer, it must be closed. Adobe Connect will NOT work if Skype is open.

To participate, please click on the following link: https://onthemove.adobeconnect.com/october42018/

Adobe Flash Player is required.  If it is not already installed on your computer, you will be prompted to install it.  The installation takes only a minute and Adobe Flash is a safe download.

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